Dec 28, 2017
Kate makes another reference to Juicy Jeremy while she teaches Parkinson's Law and SMART goals. (1:30)
Kyle admits that he tried using an email auto-responder telling people - including his boss - that he's a busy person and will respond to emails at 11am and 4:30. #employeefail
"Breaking News, Internet," declares Kate. "Kyle just discovered that there are 26 hours in a day." Wait, what? (15:20)
Kyle's new mantra is "No agenda? No attenda" while he acknowledges he's a sucker for brain-pickers. (18:00)
Kate introduces Kyle to something called a "walk-and-talk." Mind. Blown. (20:30)
Kate recommends the Steven Covey approach begin with the end in mind.
Tech: Kyle uses Get Momentum to stay focused throughout the day. People can also block disruptive apps and sites by using FocusMe. (31:15)