Dec 28, 2017
Kate makes another reference to Juicy Jeremy while she teaches Parkinson's Law and SMART goals. (1:30)
Kyle admits that he tried using an email auto-responder telling people - including his boss - that he's a busy person and will respond to emails at 11am and 4:30. #employeefail
"Breaking News, Internet," declares...
Dec 26, 2017
Kate is crushing on Tara Brach's book Radical Acceptance.
Kyle goes on a tangent to talk about Net Promoter Scores (again) and Kate makes a face (12:40) as she pretends he's on topic.
Athletes have a special kind of mental toughness. Kate's approach to mental toughness is to surround herself with the right coaches and...
Dec 21, 2017
Get people to come back into your business using concepts described by A Thousand True Fans by Kevin Kelly.